
How To Get Motivated To Exercise

'How do you get the motivation to exercise regularly?'

It's a question I get asked almost as often as I workout (which is around five times a week, normally) and I totally get why people struggle.

After all, much as I'd love to claim I'm one of those people who genuinely enjoys every minute spent sweating it out in the gym, the truth is I'd almost always rather be on my sofa watching Netflix. Wouldn't we all?

However, I'm a firm believer in the health benefits of exercise, and definitely get a little antsy if I haven't had a workout for several days. So, in the spirit of spreading this healthy habit to everyone, I decided to share my top tips…

1. Schedule your exercise in at the beginning of the week
Work, social engagements, appointments and keeping a house running can easily eat up all your time if you let it.

Each week, I open my diary and write down exactly when and how I'm going to exercise, whether it's an early morning run or a class I can stealthily jam in between leaving the office and meeting friends in the evening. I also use this time to book into any classes I'm going to attend that week – most gyms and leisure centres now have online booking apps.


2. Keep it varied
You wouldn't make yourself read the same book or watch the same TV show on repeat, so why do it with exercise?

When I trained for the London Marathon a few years ago, I got so sick of running that I never wanted to see a pair of trainers again. Likewise, I'd go crazy going to the same gym, to do the same fitness regime, over and over again.

Instead, I recommend a really varied routine. For me that means jogs round the park, yoga, pilates, weights sessions, spinning and aerobics – but incorporate whatever works for you, as long as you're doing a mix of activities and you don't approach your workout thinking 'Oh god, not this again'.

Sportswear, Joint, Human leg, Performing arts, Physical fitness, Elbow, Barefoot, Muscle, Active tank, Undershirt,

3. Have an amazing playlist
My approach to music involves finding a song I like and then playing it to death, after which I can't possibly listen to it for about six months because I'm so bored of the thing.

If you're anything like me, keeping your playlist regularly updated will really affect your motivation – it might sound sad, but I genuinely look forward to having a new set of songs to run too. If you have a 'workout' playlist of music make sure you regularly add new tunes to the end – whether they're new chart hits or old classics (I find anything you danced to when you were 18 works well!)

4. Don't always go it alone
Working out alone can be very convenient, but I like to mix those solo gym sessions with group classes (it's helpful having someone to grimace at!) and exercising with friends.

If you live with someone, then it's hugely motivating to get them involved in your fitness regime. You don't even have to do the same thing – my boyfriend and I force each other to go to the gym first thing on a Saturday morning, then go our separate ways: me to spinning and him to the weights section. It definitely helps if you can make each other get up off the sofa - just make sure your exercise buddy is a go-getter!


5. Try new things
Just like your playlist, your favourite exercise classes can get a bit stale after a while, particularly if they follow a very set structure every week.

Once a month, try a completely new class or sport – most recently I've enjoyed Virgin Active's new class The Pack, which involves competitive spinning in teams (nothing more motivating than the chance of winning!) and I've also discovered Vinyasa yoga, which has helped no end with stretching out my sore back.

It can be slightly intimidating rocking up at a class where you assume everyone else is an expert, but in my experience, this is very rarely the case.

Indoor cycling, Exercise machine, Purple, Stationary bicycle, Sneakers, Magenta, Exercise equipment, Exercise, Gym, Physical fitness,

Me trying out The Pack (right)

6. Don't think about it too much
If you give yourself too much leeway you will definitely think of an excuse to skip an exercise session. Believe me, I've convinced myself far too many times that I'm simply 'too busy', 'too hungry' or 'too desperate to stay in bed a little longer' to consider exercise, and I've always ended up feeling guilty about it afterwards.

Obviously if you are ill, injured or genuinely can't escape the house or office, there is no need to beat yourself up about missing a session, but I find that the best thing to do is tell myself 'this workout is happening, and you don't have a choice in the matter!'

7. Get a fitness tracker
Ever since I got my Fitbit, I've definitely felt a lot more motivated to exercise – and there are plenty of good fitness trackers and apps to choose from.

Not only does it make me more inclined to take the stairs rather than the lift when I noticed that I've only done 2,000 steps that day, but having an activity monitor clamped to my wrist constantly also inspires me to get my heart rate up and burn calories on a regular basis. There is nothing like being able to compare your exercise (or lack of) week-to-week to spur you on!


8. Don't make exercise bottom of your priority list
Too many people see fitness as something they will do if they find the time, which means it can very easily slip out of your weekly routine.

Because my favourite exercise class falls on a certain night, for example, I don't present that day as an option when I'm making plans with friends (don't get me wrong – everyone needs wine night with the girls, but do it when you're genuinely free, not when you would otherwise be getting a sweat on).

Likewise, if I notice a week in my diary is getting increasingly cluttered with appointments, I'll make sure I don't plan any more breakfast meetings or evening events that week, which means I can definitely slot in some exercise.

Undoubtedly, this gets harder when you have children or a high-powered job, but you should never see maintaining your own fitness as unimportant. After all, keep yourself fit and you can take on the world!

(Images: Getty, Virgin Active)

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How To Get Motivated To Exercise


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